
two sevens clash


punk rock

track by mogwai, with spoken words from Iggy Pop

I'll tell you about punk rock: punk rock is a word used by dillitantes and ah... and ah... heartless manipulators about music that takes up the energies and the bodies and the hearts and the souls and the time and the minds of young men who give what they have to it and give everything they have to it and it's a... it's a term that's based on contempt, it's a term that's based on fashion, style, elitism, satanism and everything that's rotten about rock'n'roll. I don't know Johnny Rotten but I'm sure... I'm sure he puts as much blood and sweat into what he does as Sigmund Freud did.
You see, what sounds to you like a big load of trashy old noise is in fact the brilliant music of a genius, myself . And that music is so powerful that it's quite beyond my control and ah... when I'm in the grips of it I don't feel pleasure and I don't feel pain, either physically or emotionally. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Have you ever felt like that? When you just couldn't feel anything and you didn't want to either. You know? Like that? Do you understand what I'm saying sir?

Don't mention the war

Geldof wants all his Live8 stooges to stay on message and not upset George Bush by criticising him or the Iraq War from the concert stage - this from the Telegraph this morning.

"The musician who was reportedly warned by Geldof to "stay on message" was anxious not to be identified."

I wonder who that will be. Didn't think Billy Bragg had been invited...


another band with an umlaut in their name, joining the ranks of Motorhead and Husker Du...

classic rock that rocks

A few tunes I've been enjoying (or chucking on the reject pile) over the last few days and weeks...

Kershaw was good this week, and through him I have picked up on this lot - The Heartless Bastards. They are on Fat Possum records, who specialise in the sort of down home old style electric country blues - RL Burnside etc. I guess with a name like that they aren't exactly loaded with commercial potential, but the record kicks ass, as I believe our American cousins like to say.

Having read loads of raves about Nine Black Alps, I downloaded their new one. It's bobbins, derivative Nirvana-lite. Much better is the Maximo Park album, although I guess they are just as deriviative in their way...XTC are never far away at the moment.
Been digging out some old stuff too...A Tribe Called Quest: 'Peoples Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm' which is a ridiculously cumbersome title for a good record...always preferred them to De La Soul when it came to 'daisy age' rap or whatver the NME was calling them at the time.

Nick Lowe's The Impossible Bird is two albums before The Convincer. Contains The Beast In Me and another rare example of someone who just makes better and better albums as they grow older.

one last thing, Formed a Band by Art Brut, is piss funny and a good tune, by smart arse London types, album called bang Bang Rock n Roll...

that's me gone


Soul On Ice

This radio station was named Kowalski,
In honour of the last American hero to whom
Speed means freedom of the soul.
The question is not when he's gonna stop,
But who is gonna stop him...


"Coldplay? Indie Bed Wetters..."

From Graham:

Mitch Benn and the Distractions: Everything Sounds Like Coldplay Now.
Cruel, but very accurate spoof on the free CD with this months Word.
"This could be Embrace, Keane or Snow Patrol. Thirteen Senses sound like this as well I'm told".


Is It Rolling Bob?

Looks like Geldof had second thoughts about the number of African acts involved a the Live 8
shindig, at least according to this from the Independant.
on top of that, give the man a Nobel Peace Prize - he's got Pink Floyd back together! They have been scowling at each other for twenty four years...never thought that we'd see them on the same stage again.
Finally, Destiny's Child have split up - now that is a shame as I had a very soft spot for Bootylicious and Independant Woman. Charlie, how'd your angels get down like that?


More Bollocks

article in the Grauniad this morning listing the alleged 25 Most Depressing Songs.

Oddly, the Crazy Frog is not featured. It does have room for John Prine, Bruce Springsteen, Billie Holiday and Kenny Rogers, amongst others. In fairness, it doesn't include ususal suspects like The Smiths, Leonard Cohen and Nick Drake.

I always thought that the song reputed to be the most depressing ever recorded was 'Gloomy Sunday - Overture To Death'.

"two people shot themselves while listening to a gypsy band playing the tune. Several others drowned themselves in the Danube while clutching the sheet music of "Gloomy Sunday". One gentleman reportedly walked out of a nightclub and blew his brains out after having requested the band to play "The Suicide Song"
... Few people who have ever listened to the melody and lyrics fail to confess that it has a horribly depressing effect."


Minimum - Maximum

Kraftwerk...Terrific live LP...if that isn't a contradiction in terms. Saw them at the Royal Festival Hall last year, Neon Lights on this album is from that show.

'I'm the operator with my pocket calculator... squink squonk...SQUAAAANK'


Shore Leave

Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart
I rolled down the national stroll
And with a big fat paycheck strapped to my hip sack
And a shore leave wristwatch underneath my sleeve
In a hong kong drizzle on cuban heels
I rowed down the gutter to the blood bank

I'd left all my papers on the ticonderoga
AndI was in a bad need of a shave
And i slopped at the corner on cold chow mein
And shot billards with a midget until the rain stopped

And i bought a long sleeve shirt with horses on the front
And some gum and a lighter and a knife
And a new deck of cards, with girls on the back
And i sat down and wrote a letter to my wife

Alabama Rama Lama

The new Alabama 3 album is out. After a few listens it's growing on me, but it's not their best. The gig last week was terrific though, and the bootleg remix album is often better than the original.

Live 8

Andy Kershaw is upset that there is only one African artist appearing at Live 8 (Youssou N'Dour in Paris).

I didn't realise that the Pope was invited, it must be in recognition of the catholic church's pioneering anti AIDS work in Africa. Er, perhaps not.


Don is into Vampirism

Spare a few moments to cast your eye over this.

Remember kids - rock n roll is the devil's music, and no good can come of it.