
Strangely, I became more bookish

I first saw Iggy Pop on Ady's 21st birthday, at Rock City in 1988. No one was too interested in hearing anything from his most recent LP, which at that time I guess was 'Blah Blah Blah'. Iggy's always good value - he leaps around the stage like a man a third of his age, and there's always the possibility that he will treat the audience by dropping his pants and desporting his by now rather droopy buttocks.

Strange that a man whose body which is elsewhere incredibly well toned and fit, should have a gluteous maximus which has dropped several feet since the glory days of the Stooges. Well, that's age and gravity at work I guess.

Anyway, my point in question is the quality of one of Iggy's later LPs, Avenue B.

Much of this album is spoken word; from 'No Shit' through to 'She Called Me Daddy'. Iggy has a great American voice; resonant and authentic, rarely recorded better than on this overlooked album.

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